

What are they?

Probiotics (from the Greek word “pro-bios”, “in favor of life”) are officially defined by WHO (World health Organization) and FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) as “live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host”.

Host means in this case our organism, that ‘hosts’ these microorganisms.

‘Benefits’ are due to probiotic capacity to positively influence the composition of the intestinal microflora, the all bacteria that live in a symbiotic status with our organism; the balance of the intestinal microflora influence our health status.

This characteristic depends on probiotic capacity to reach alive the intestinal mucosa, surviving to gastric acidity and alkalinity of bile salts.

Probiotics must then adhere to the intestinal mucosa and colonize it to be able to play their main roles:

    • Defense from pathogenic agents

    • Stimulation of the immune system

    • Production of beneficial substances

    • Fermentation of fibers

The composition of the gut microflora in influenced by the environment from birth, when the newborn is exposed to mother’s microflora during the delivery (in case of natural delivery).
Many studies have also demonstrated that during pregnancy the fetus could receive some ‘signals’ able to address the development of its microflora.
This has been recently confirmed by the World Allergy Organization-McMaster University Guidelines for Allergic Disease Prevention (GLAD-P) that recommend the use of probiotic during pregnancy (in particular during the last 3 months of pregnancy) to prevent the risk of eczema in the newborn. This recommend also must be extend to another important period of life for the woman, the lactation period.
Also in this case the use of probiotics helps to prevent the risk of allergy, in particular of the eczema.
It is important to underline that not all probiotics have the same properties and the same function.


The use of probiotics is very important for women’s health, not only for intestinal health.

The composition of the gut microflora has a great influence also on vaginal microflora.

The anatomical proximity, in fact, means that some of the bacteria present in the colon can move to the vaginal mucosa.

That is the reason why is so crucial to maintain a correct balance of the intestinal microflora, to guarantee a healthy vaginal environment.

In addition, some pathogenic bacteria can move from intestine to urogenital tract, leading to infections (E. coli causes cystitis, Enterococcus faecalis causes vaginosis, Candida albicans causes vaginitis).

There are some lactobacillus strains, isolated from vaginal microflora, specific of this particular environment, which can be orally assumed with dietary supplement, such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 e Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14, strains with many clinical studies in gynecological field. These strains are also available in topic medical devices.
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Gastroenterology is the filed in which probiotics are used, since they are able to favor the balance of the intestinal microflora.
The balance of the microflora is necessary in case of:



According to recent findings of several scientific studies, the prescription of high-quality probiotic is able to counter many alterations of intestinal microflora linked to cancer therapies.

Radiation therapy (especially at abdominal and pelvic level) and chemotherapy can cause inflammation of the mucous membranes and alterations of some enzymatic activities and intestinal microflora.

Many of these side effects subside quickly with the reduction or suspension (even temporary) of the therapies.
The main side effects are:

  • nausea and vomiting: affects about 60% of cancer patients
  • Constipation: it is caused by chemotherapy drugs and other supportive therapies (analgesics, anti-anxiety drugs, antacids, antidiarrheal, but also diuretics and anti-vomiting).
  • Diarrhea: accompanied by abdominal pain and cramps, nausea, bloating, sometimes fever and, more rarely, blood in the stool. It that can cause dehydration and weight loss.


A 40% reduction in the incidence of diarrhea has been reported in a clinical trial on chemotherapy-associated diarrhea.

The use of probiotics is able to reset the balance of the intestinal microflora thus reducing also the risk of infections.

Patients can start using probiotics before the beginning of the therapy, and continue until the end of the treatments.

Other side effects occur in patients undergoing to radiotherapy at abdominal and pelvic level, or forced to long hospital stays: the urinary tract infections.

The reset of the balance of the intestinal microflora can be an important aid in these conditions.
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It is characterized by reduced hydration of women’s vulvovaginal areas and leads to consequences in sexual life, physical activity and health, since the normal hydration of the mucosa protects from fungal and bacterial infections.

Vaginal dryness can cause itching, burning and pain during sexual intercourse.
In most cases, this symptom is due to a decreased production of estrogens (postmenopausal period), but can also occur in pregnancy, in the post-partum period and during lactation; furthermore, oral contraceptive therapy and high sensitivity to cleansers, can be key factors in the development of vaginal dryness.



It is characterized by an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, due to age, and mainly as a result of estrogens deficiency, typical of the menopausal period.

Hydration is reduced so vaginal mucosa becomes more delicate, thin and irritable.

This condition, combined with dryness and the shrinkage of the vagina leads to difficult, painful and often impossible sexual intercourse.



Antibiotic administration can be associated with different side effects. Even though they are often required to treat active infection, antibiotics can also kill part of the “good” microorganisms. This event creates a condition of increased susceptibility of the organism to further infection. It is the reason why during the administration of antibiotics we should help our body by giving probiotics to speed up the return to normal condition and to protect the organism that is exposed to danger. It is also very common that the intake of antibiotics is associated with fatigue and tiredness. This is also in part due to a loss of efficiency of the microflora in the production of vitamin B. Vitamin B collaborate in the production of energy and new tissues and they are important in the healing periods and in all psychophysical stress conditions.
When their synthesis is reduced, they should assumed through a proper diet or dietary supplements. Considering the lack of appetite that often accompanies states of convalescence and/or stress, it may be easier to take them through dietary supplements.



Diarrhea is a common disorder that involves an increase in the number of bowel movements (3 or more) and a reduction in stool consistency (not formed or much liquid). It is often characterized by other symptoms such as heartburn, cramps, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, fever, fatigue, vomiting and presence of blood in stool.
The main causes are the following:

– Bacterial infections (Campilobacter, Salmonella, Shigella ecc.)
– Dietary intollerances (lactose or other sugars)
– Viral infections (Norwalk, Citomegalovirus, Herpes simplex)
– Parassites (that reach the body through food and water
– Adverse reactions to drugs (antibiotics, antihypertensive, chemotherapeutics)
– Intestinal syndromes (inflammation, colitis, Crohn disease, celiac disease)
Diarrhea is defensive mechanism that our body uses in some condition. Repeated discharges facilitate the elimination of pathogens, toxins or irritants.
Diarrhea is classified in:

– recurrent diarrhea (cyclical events close together in time)
– Acute diarrhea (the duration is less than 3 weeks),
– Chronic diarrhea (the duration is more than 3-4 weeks)
Another kind of diarrhea is the so-called traveler’s diarrhea, a particular form of the disorder that affects people who travel especially in developing countries, although in general an important change in food habits may predispose to this disorder.

One of the main consequences of diarrhea is dehydration originated from fluid loss through feces. It is particularly dangerous for children and elderly who must be treated immediately to avoid serious health problems. To recover the lost substances caused by continuous discharges, drinking plenty of water may not be enough. Proper hydration can be achieved by using special supplements.